Cannabis-Infused Beer is Here
The legalization of cannabis has led to a boom in the edible industry, but a brewery is taking things even a step further with the introduction of “Cannabier” – “the world’s first cannabis-infused, non-alcoholic, craft cannabier”according to
Two Roots Brewing debuted their THC and CBD-infused beverages in Nevada last summer and are now coming to California dispensaries.
“We’ve seen a tremendously positive response to Two Roots Brewing since its initial debut in Nevada. As more states legalize recreational cannabis, users will continue to seek new, more sociable ways to consume, and companies will increasingly look to adapt to the new wave of consumption,” Timothy Walters, president and COO of Cannabiniers, the beverage, technology and brand management parent company behind Two Roots, said in a statement.
While Two Roots isn’t the only player in the cannabier game – but they were one of the first to effectively tackle the issue of marijuana’s solubility (unlike alcohol, marijuana doesn’t dissolve in water). Using the drug-delivery method nano-emulsification, they were able to enhance the drug’s solubility, making it easier for the body to absorb.