Lab Equipment Auctions
admin2021-06-14T15:26:16+00:00Lab Equipment Auctions

One Item or a Whole Facility
Whether it's closing a Facility, or just Freeing Up Space, or maybe you need to Move Items Quickly.

Benefits of a Lab Auction
As with other laboratory equipment resale methods, lab auctions have host of their own unique set of benefits.

Liquidation is Quick
From inventorying to marketing to shipping logistics, an auction lets you quickly liquidate assets.
Additional Lab Auction Services
We Market the Auction
Experienced auction organizations have a strong understanding of how to best market your equipment. Laboratory equipment is a broad category, however, with the right auctioneer, they have the know-how and contacts to market directly to a large database of qualified, interested buyers for your equipment.
We Handle the Messy Stuff
Our auctioneers will organize, schedule, market, and run the auction from start to finish even come to your facility and perform an equipment assessment. They will also ensure that you receive payment from the buyer.
Sell Large Amounts Quickly
Lab auctions are ideal if you are looking to liquidate a large number of assets quickly. Whether a division of your company is closing or relocating, or if you’re just looking to free up some cash, auctions offer a quick selling cycle and high conversion rate. Buyer's bid with confidence, schedule a site inspection prior to any event.
There are several reasons labs will look to sell equipment and proceed with lab equipment auctions. Whether the lab is downsizing, a facility is closing, or a trial received federal funding, one question always remains the same: what do you do with all of the used lab equipment you no longer need? Surplus lab equipment that lies idle in a facility eats up valuable lab space, space that could be used for more relevant equipment. Not only is there hogging of real estate, but also it’s tying up capital on your balance sheet.
The Lab World Group provides several services to assist you with liquidating your surplus laboratory instruments. A used lab equipment auction is one of the ways we can help. Acting as your exclusive agent, we will come to your facility and perform an equipment assessment and begin scheduling a lab auction event. Once an auction is scheduled, we will broadcast the event to a large database of qualified buyers from various marketplaces targeted for your specific instruments.
By choosing to sell your used lab supplies not only has the potential to represent a new scientific tool for surplus equipment buyers in the life science community, but it can also help you recoup some of your initial investment. The Lab World Group will handle all aspects of the auction – from inventory to marketing and logistics, which allows for flexibility to maximize your return.