Tree Wind Turbine Designed to Accommodate Urban Areas
NewWind, a French company, have created a tree vent. It’s a wind turbine designed to look like a tree since most complain about wind turbines not looking good. The trees are the same height as about the majority of urban trees. There are 11 meters tall, and 8 meters in diameter at its widest point. Steel makes up the white frame, and can hold 72 turbines that sit vertically. The turbine also has the ability to spin silently. They are twice as sensitive as traditional tubes which makes them spin with wind blowing as low as 7 km.
They are durable enough to withstand category 3 winds. Each tree has a current power output of 3.1 kilowatts, and with several of these trees together would make an impact on homes. The turbines are wired parallel so none of the others are affected if one stops working. The testing of these trees will be in Paris’s Place de la Concorde between March 12 and May 12. This allows the public to see how turbines function in normal settings. In September 40 more units are supposed to be installed around the country.