Thermo myECL Imager

Availability: Out of stock SKU: 23494 Category:


Thermo myECL Imager

The Thermo myECL Imager is a compact, user-friendly western blot imaging system for the capture and analysis of chemiluminescent Western blots, stained protein gels, and stained nucleic acid gels. The innovative touch screen controls allow users to simplify their entire workflow so you can acquire a single image with one-touch or take up to five different preset Western blot exposure times and then analyze.

The MYECL Imager gives users UV and white light illumination source, a low-noise, high-dynamic-range CCD camera detection. The myECL is loaded with Imager Acquisition Software that allows you to acquire images using three different modes: Chemiluminescence (Chemi) mode, Ultraviolet (UV) mode and Visible (Vis). (modules required, please see model for complete list of includes.) This software allows users to extract information easily from their images, such as identifying lanes and bands automatically, and the comparison of up to 6 images simultaneously.

Users of this western blot imager can also analyze the molecular weight, calculate sample purity based on band intensity, Perform lane profile densitometry, quantitate bands or regions relatively or absolutely, edit their digital images, and add text annotations.  Acquisition of chemiluminescent Western blot and electrophoresis gel images can be done at varying resolutions 1×1, 2×2, 3×3, 4×4, and 8×8 binning so you can adjust the process to meet your needs. Data can then be exported in multiple formats and sent directly to excel, word, and PowerPoint for further analysis and presentations.


Thermo myECL Imager Specifications

Wavelength Range Specific wavelengths between 370-700nm
Camera CCD, High-resolution, thermoelectrically regulated at -25°C, 4.2MP digital camera with 16-bit dynamic range
Array size (pixels) 2048 x 2048
Lens 50mm, f/0.95 aperture
Filter Wheel 4 filter positions, motorized
Light Source 306nm trans-UV, epi-white
Touchscreen 10.4 inch LCD screen
Dimensions 24x13x22
Weight 70 lbs
Power 100-240 vac, 50/60hz, 120W


Included with Thermo myECL Imager

Thermo MyECL Chemi Imager | CAT# 62236X | MSRP: 9880.21
Touch Screen Controller
Orange Filter (565-620nm)
UV Transilluminator
User Manual
120V Power Cord (3A)
30-Day Warranty



myECL Imager Technical Notes

The myECL Imager has been fully tested to ensure system is performing up to factory specification.  We ran multiple scan during inbound QC and tested all controls, including camera, touch screen, light box, scan rate and speed.  System is in excellent condition and ready to ship.  All of our used lab equipment comes backed by our standard warranty. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Thermo myECL Imaging System Video

Thermo myECL Imager ID 23494