Zeiss Axio Observer 3 Fluorescence Microscope


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Zeiss Axio Observer 3 Fluorescence Microscope

The Zeiss Axio Observer 3  is a powerful, modular, fully customizable inverted fluorescence microscope with plenty of options to fit your exact needs. It has both brightfield and fluorescence illumination, a phase ring wheel, 10x eyepieces, 6-position nosepiece, a Marzhauser Wetzlar Mechanized Stage, and six position filter wheel, which includes Rhod, GFP, and DAPI filters. Paired with an Amscope MU500-HS 5.1MP camera, and powerful Image Capture software, this microscope brings you all the features you will need for your research.

This Zeiss inverted microscope is ideal for a variety of applications, including examination of blood and tissue samples, observation of intracellular processes, drug detection, motility, growth, IVF (in-vitro fertilization), toxicity studies, ion measurements, digital recordings, time lapse studies and more.

This Zeiss Observer 3 is outfitted with 2.5x, 5x, 10x, 20x, and 40x objectives, a built-in halogen Brightfield Lamp, an X-Cite 120 LEDmini Fluorescence box and controller, Windows 10 laptop running Amscope Capture software, and comes with all the cables and connectors you need to connect it to the camera and computer.  All of these options can be swapped for different versions, depending on your specific needs. All of our lab equipment comes backed by our standard warranty. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Zeiss Axio Observer 3 Specifications

Magnification Range Between 25x – 400x with 10x eyepieces, with included objectives
Stage Marzhauser Wetzlar Mechanized Stage
Filter Cubes Rhod, GFP, DAPI
Phase Rings/Filters Brightfield, Ph 0, Ph 1, Ph2, Yellow filter
Camera Amscope MU500-HS 5.1MP
Included Software Amscope Image Capture v. x64
Dimensions 11x31x26
Weight 80 lbs
Electrical 120V


Included with this Axio Observer Fluorescence Microscope

Zeiss Fluorescence Microscope | CAT# Axio Observer 3 
Windows 10 Notebook Running Capture Software
Amscope MU500-HS Camera
Excelitas X-Cite 120LEDmini Fluorescence Box and Controller
Marzhauser Wetzlar Mechanized Stage 
Zeiss PI 10x/23
Zeiss N-ACHROPLAN 2.5x/0.07
Zeiss N-ACHROPLAN 5x/0.13 Ph0
Zeiss EC Plan-NEOFLUAR 10x/0.3 Ph1
Zeiss LD Plan-NEOFLUAR 20x/0.4 Ph2 Korr
Zeiss LD Plan-NEOFLUAR 40x/0.6 Ph2 Korr 
Filter Cubes
Phase Rings/Filters
Ph 0
Ph 1
Ph 2
Yellow filter 
Communication Cables
User Manual
120V Power Cords


Technical Notes

This microscope has been thoroughly inspected/tested and comes with a clean bill of health. It is operating without issue and is ready to ship. All of our lab equipment comes backed by our standard warranty. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Zeiss Axio Observer 3 Video

Zeiss Axio Observer 3 Fluorescence Microscope Video ID 23569